Work With Me

Coaching for women’s health

Stress and poor health seem to go together with a busy lifestyle —but they’re an unhealthy combination.

Are you experiencing any of the following?

    • Unexplained weight gain                                                                              
    • Uncomfortable to exercise           
    • Autoimmune disorders that just seem to get worse
    • Feeling very tired (all the time)
    • Snoring (and constantly wake up groggy)
    • Difficulty Sleeping
    • Suffer from joint pain that makes it difficult to do much more than lay in bed or on the couch.
    • Bloated
    • Bad skin
    • Sugar cravings
    • Digestive issues
    • Always hungry (even though you eat plenty)


    • Putting self-care as a priority.
    • Taking steps to reduce stress and anxiety naturally.
    • Nourishing your body.
    • Allowing yourself to feel peaceful and calm.
             Wouldn’t It be wonderful to find a way to feel healthy and strip away stress, strains, aches, and pains?

     Health is a state of being, whereas wellness is a state of living a healthy lifestyle… It can affect physical, mental, and social well-being. You can’t have perfect               health in a life that’s full of stress. You can’t get rid of stress if you’re overweight and never exercise. You can’t lose weight and keep it off if you’re always                     anxious, working long hours, not sleeping, or having difficulties with your relationships.

             Well, I’m here to tell you it’s possible to:

    • Feel good, naturally, everyday.
    • Have lots of energy.
    • Enjoy delicious, healthy, energizing food.
    • Take on each day with joy and enthusiasm
    • Be in control of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

             And so much more…

    With a structured partnership, I believe people can overcome fear, health obstacles, and life circumstances to create new ways towards health and wholeness. Your process is as unique as you are. My role is to help figure your path and to guide you through it. I know there are women out there who feel less than perfect. There are too many women who suffer from low self-esteem, lack of confidence and no self-worth. This behavior must stop. The food and healthcare industries aren’t doing enough to help. I, like many of you, figure that the food we purchase is safe. It’s on the shelves in the stores, so one must consider it to be safe and free of chemicals, right! If only that was true we would all be healthier people. To this day, it is hard for me to comprehend some of the loopholes that currently exist in our food regulations.

    Most people typically eat at least 3 times a day. Most of us have no clue how the food we eat affects our bodies. Food could be the culprit behind our aches, pains, low energy, bad skin, digestive issues and even cancer risks. It’s a concept foreign to many. I was able to heal my body and self-image when I took matters into my own hands and I can help you do the same.

    What I do as a health and wellness coach is to educate and support you to achieve health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments.

    What to expect

    • Through this journey you will change old habits, develop new healthy habits and gain tools to lead a healthy lifestyle.
    • Develop goals around your vision of health.
    • Overcome obstacles that prevent you from being all you can be.
    • To get unstuck and move forward on a healthy journey.

    Are you ready to reclaim your health?

               Self-Guided Nutrition Programs                                                                 What will you get:

             Amazing self-paced programs that will                                            ✓ Instant Access.
             give a jumpstart to your journey of                                                   ✓ Delivered in PDF to keep forever.
             health and wellness.                                                                          ✓Self-guided at your convenience.

              90 Day transformation                                                          Each month you get:

              This is for you if you are ready to create                               ✓ Two 50 minute one-on-one strategy sessions via phone, zoom, or email where we focus on goals. 
              change. You’re done with the quick                                       ✓ Personalized recommendations per session to guide you towards reaching your goals.
              diets. You desire accountability, motivation                          ✓  My healthy recipe guide. 
              and inspiration. You have been doing the                             ✓  A journal (delivered electronically).
              same things over and over with no lasting                           ✓ Unlimited emails for additional questions, comments, and concerns. 
              results.                                                                                   ✓ Personal attention.

    Why is health coaching a valuable investment?

    An investment in yourself is one of the best gifts you can give those closest to you. Making self-care a priority is a powerful personal act. If you want to be the most grounded authentic version of yourself for your loved ones, you must take care of yourself. An investment in your own well-being is as much for your loved ones as it is for you.
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